Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ice Breaking

Hi all,

I am Nuwan Dhanapala one of who utilised maximum benifit of free education exist in
SriLanka, and currently playing a rolle of an Electrical Engineer in the field of electricity
An idea of creating a blogg space came to my mind long time back and couldn't launch
because of laziness,and you only get to know your value,if you share what you have with
Basically, what I am going to publish here might be the answers for some of yours
questions or the parth to find answers,but what I belive always is answers are relative
and human never get satisfied at once.
I must say that, I have no single clue of how to continue this blog,but I know that I have
things to share with others.Therefore i need othes opinions,advices and ideas as well to
continue this job.

OK lets stop BOASTING start POSTING...

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