Monday, March 4, 2013



What human can see around,in other words the reason why man perceive things on his
eyes, is because of light.My intention here is to discuss the properties of light.
What is light made off?
Light is what's called an "electromagnetic wave", just like radio waves, microwaves,
X-ray waves, etc. Electromagnetic waves typically start when an electric charge jiggles
back and forth.

Depending on the "frequency" of the electromagnetic wave, you get different kinds
of waves.For example, radio waves have a pretty low frequency - i.e: the peaks in
a radio wave are pretty far apart. Next comes microwaves, then infrared light.
Next is the visible spectrum where the different colors of light that people can see
(will discuss about Colour, later in this blog), followed by ultraviolet light(see figure 1).
Then waves with higher frequency are called X-rays and still higher are gamma rays -
these have the peaks closest together.

Sometimes you'll hear that light is made of photons. What that means is that when
light is absorbed or emitted, the energy in the wave comes in lumps. The size
of those lumps (or "quanta") of energy depends on the frequency. The higher
the frequency the more energy per photon.

                                                                             figure 1        

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ice Breaking

Hi all,

I am Nuwan Dhanapala one of who utilised maximum benifit of free education exist in
SriLanka, and currently playing a rolle of an Electrical Engineer in the field of electricity
An idea of creating a blogg space came to my mind long time back and couldn't launch
because of laziness,and you only get to know your value,if you share what you have with
Basically, what I am going to publish here might be the answers for some of yours
questions or the parth to find answers,but what I belive always is answers are relative
and human never get satisfied at once.
I must say that, I have no single clue of how to continue this blog,but I know that I have
things to share with others.Therefore i need othes opinions,advices and ideas as well to
continue this job.

OK lets stop BOASTING start POSTING...